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Pilgramm M, Schumann K, Kovács A:
Atemwiderstandmessungen an trachealstenotischen Patienten. Ein Vergleich der
Wechseldruckmethode mit der Körperplethysmographie.
HNO 33, 208-212 (1985)
Kovács A, Christ H: Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Bone-Lock-Implantatsystem bei der prothetischen Versorgung nach Resektion von Mundhöhlentumoren. Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie 9, 19-29 (1993)
Howaldt HP, Kovács A: Kaufunktionelle Rehabilitation mit dem Bone-Lock-Implantatsystem bei tumorbedingten Defekten im Unterkiefer. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 49, 82-84 (1994)
Klein C, Kovács A, Stuckensen T: Mikrochirurgisch reanastomosierter Venenlappen zur Sofortrekonstruktion bei intraoralen Resektionsdefekten. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie 20, 274-277 (1996)
Kovács A, Klein C: Madelung-Krankheit. Eine Fallbeschreibung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Therapie. Der Chirurg 68, 276-279 (1997)
Klein C, Kovács A, Stuckensen T: Free arterialised venous forearm flaps for intraoral reconstruction. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 50, 166-171 (1997)
Kovács A: Enossale Implantatversorgung von Tumorpatienten mit dem Bone-Lock-System. Eine 5-Jahresstudie. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 2, 20-25 (1998)
Kovács AF: Assessment of prosthetic restorations on Bone-Lock implants in patients after oral tumor resection. Journal of Oral Implantology 24, 101-109 (1998)
Kovács A: The effect of different transplanted soft tissues on bone resorption around loaded endosseous implants in patients after oral tumour surgery. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 13, 554-560 (1998)
Kovács AF: Comparison of two types of arterialized venous forearm flaps for oral reconstruction and proposal of a reliable proceeding. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 26, 249-254 (1998)
Kovács A: Horizontaler und periimplantärer Knochenabbau in freien und in gefäßgestielten Beckenkammtransplantaten. Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie 14, 143-150 (1998)
Kovács AF, Wagner M: Orbital prostheses
anchored by dental implants.
Revista medica del hospital general de Mexiko,
s. s. 62, 22-25 (1999)
Kovács A, Wagner M, Ghahremani M:
Considerations on a long-term course of a plexiform ameloblastoma with a
recurrence in the soft tissue.
Revista medica del hospital general de Mexiko,
s. s. 62, 48-53 (1999)
Klein C, Papageorge M, Kovács A, Carchidi JE: Erste Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Distraktions-Implantatsystem zur Kieferkammaugmentation. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 3 (Supplement 1), 74-78 (1999)
Ghahremani T. M, Kovács A: Bewertung einer wenig invasiven Therapie von Jochbeinfrakturen mit einem Klassifikationsvorschlag. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 3, 146-151 (1999)
Kovács A, Marquardt G: Radiometrische Untersuchung der postoperativen Entwicklung von Kopfform und Schädelvolumen bei Kindern mit Kraniosynostosen. Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 60, 125-132 (1999)
Kovács AF, Turowski B, Ghahremani T. M, Loitz M: Intra-arterial chemotherapy as neoadjuvant treatment of oral cancer. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 27, 302-307 (1999)
Kovács AF: A follow-up study of orbital prostheses supported by dental implants. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 58, 19-23 (2000)
Kovács AF: The fate of osseointegrated
implants in patients following oral cancer surgery and mandibular
Head & Neck 22, 111-119 (2000)
Kovács AF: Kephalometrische Untersuchungen an Röntgenbildern zum postoperativen Schädelwachstum von Kindern mit Kraniosynostosen. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 172, 329-335 (2000)
Kovács AF: Plastic surgical or prosthetic reconstruction after total loss of the orbital contents and the auricle? International Journal of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery. Verfügbar bei: [zugänglich gemacht am 21.06.2000, mittlerweile vom Netz].
Neidhart G, Kovács AF, Bremerich DH, Kessler P: Remifentanil/Propofol zur bronchoskopischen Wachintubation unter Kapnographiekontrolle. Der Anästhesist 49, 523-526 (2000)
Kovács AF: Clinical analysis of implant losses in oral tumor and defect patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research 11, 494-504 (2000)
Kovács AF: Influence of the prosthetic restoration modality on bone loss around dental implants placed in vascularized iliac bone grafts for mandibular reconstruction. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 123, 598-602 (2000)
Stuckensen T, Kovács AF, Adams S, Baum RP: Staging of the neck in patients with oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas: a prospective comparison of PET, Ultrasound, CT and MRI. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 28, 319-324 (2000)
Kovács AF: Influence of chemotherapy on endosteal implant survival and success in oral cancer patients. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 144-147 (2001)
Klein C, Papageorge M, Kovács A, Carchidi JE: Initial experiences using a new implant based distraction system for alveolar ridge augmentation. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 167-169 (2001)
Kovács AF: Plastic surgical vs. prosthetic reconstruction after total loss of the orbital contents and the auricle / Cirurgia plástica ou reconstruçăo protética na perda total do conteúdo orbitário e do pavilhăo auricular. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica 16, 13-26 (2001)
Kovács AF, Acker P, Berner U, Risse JH: Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Exstirpation. Behandlungsmethode des N0-Halses bei Patienten mit oralen und oropharyngealen Karzinomen. HNO 49, 646-653 (2001)
Kovács AF, Ghahremani M: Minimization of zygomatic complex fracture treatment. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 380-383 (2001)
Kovács AF, Turowski B: Chemoembolization of oral and oropharyngeal cancer using a high-dose cisplatin crystal suspension and degradable starch microspheres. Oral Oncology 38, 87-95 (2002)
Kovács AF, Obitz P, Wagner M: Monocomponent
chemoembolization in oral and oropharyngeal cancer using an aqueous crystal
suspension of cisplatin.
British Journal of Cancer 86, 196-202 (2002)
Kovács AF, Grüterich G, Wagner M: Long-term complete remission of oral cancer after anti-neoplastic chemotherapy as single treatment modality: role of local chemotherapy. Journal of Chemotherapy 14, 95-101 (2002)
Landes CA, Zachar R, Diehl T, Kovács AF: Introduction of a three dimensional anthropometry of the viscerocranium. Part II: evaluating osseous and soft tissue changes following orthognathic surgery. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 25-34 (2002)
Kovács AF, Cinatl J: In vitro cytotoxic dose-relation of cisplatin and sodium thiosulfate in human tongue and esophageal squamous carcinoma cell lines. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 54-58 (2002)
Kovács AF, Schiemann M, Turowski B: Combined modality treatment of oral and oropharyngeal cancer including neoadjuvant intraarterial cisplatin and radical surgery followed by concurrent radiation and chemotherapy with weekly docetaxel - three year results of a pilot study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 30, 112-120 (2002)
Kovács AF, Elewa M, Wagner M: Dental implants in the empty orbit: integrated or separate stage-one operation? Introduction of a novel facial prosthesis stability score. Egyptian Dental Journal 49, 477-482 (2003)
Landes CA, Kriener S, Menzer M, Kovács AF: Resorbable plate-osteosynthesis of dislocated or pathological mandibular fractures: a prospective clinical trial of two amorphous L-/DL-lactide copolymer-2.0mm miniplate systems. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 111, 601-610 (2003)
Landes CA, Kovács AF : Nine-year experience with extended use of the commissure-based buccal musculomucosal (CBMM) flap. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 111, 1029-1039 (2003)
Tegeder I, Bräutigam L, Seegel M, Al-Dam A, Turowski B, Geisslinger G, Kovács AF: Cisplatin tumor concentrations after intra-arterial cisplatin infusion or embolization in patients with oral cancer. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 73, 417-426 (2003)
Landes CA, Seeger F, Kovács AF: Tetanus-infection from a superinfected cranial squamous cell carcinoma. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 112, 1347-1349 (2003)
Kovács AF, Ghahremani T. M, Stefenelli U, Bitter K: Postoperative chemotherapy with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil in cancer of the oral cavity and the oropharynx – long-term results. Journal of Chemotherapy 15, 495-502 (2003)
Menzel C, Hamscho N, Döbert N, Grünwald F, Kovács AF, Wolter M, Podda M: PET imaging of Rosai-Dorfman-disease: correlation to histopathology and ex-vivo beta-imaging. Archives of Dermatological Research 295, 280-283 (2003)
Kovács AF: Intraarterial chemotherapy and
chemoembolization in head and neck cancer. Establishment as a neoadjuvant
routine method.
Cancer Therapy 1, 1-9 (2003)
Kovács AF: Intraarterial induction
high-dose chemotherapy with cisplatin for oral and oropharyngeal cancer:
long-term results.
British Journal of Cancer 90, 1323-1328 (2004)
Kovács AF: Relevance of positive margins in case of adjuvant therapy of oral cancer. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 33, 447-453 (2004)
Ross GL, Soutar DS, MacDonald DG, Shoaib T,
Camilleri I, Sorensen JA, Thomsen J, Grupe P, Alvares J, Barbier L, Santamaria
J, Poli T, Massarelli O, Sesenna E, Kovács AF, Grünwald F, Barzan L, Sulfaro
S, Alberti F: Sentinel node biopsy in head and neck cancer: preliminary
results of a multicenter trial.
Annals of Surgical Oncology 11, 690-696 (2004)
Kovács AF: Chemoembolization of oral cancer
– analysis of 100 consecutive patients / Quimioembolización del cancer oral:
análisis de 100 pacientes consecutivos.
Sociedad Iberoamericana De Información
Kovács AF, Döbert N, Gaa J, Menzel C,
Bitter K: Positron emission tomography in combination with sentinel node
biopsy reduces the rate of elective neck dissections in the treatment of oral
and oropharyngeal cancer.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 22, 3973-3980
Landes CA, Kovács AF: Aspects of Oral Syphilis. Quintessence International 35, 723-727 (2004)
Döbert N, Hamscho N, Menzel C, Neuss L, Kovács AF, Grünwald F: Limitations of dual time point FDG-PET imaging in the evaluation of focal abdominal lesions. Nuklearmedizin 43, 143-149 (2004)
Kovács AF: Remarks on sentinel node biopsy
in head and neck cancer (letter).
British Journal of Cancer 92, 206-207 (2005)
Kovács AF, Mose S, Böttcher HD, Bitter K:
Multimodality treatment including postoperative radiation and concurrent
chemotherapy with weekly docetaxel is feasible and effective in patients with
oral and oropharyngeal cancer.
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 181, 26-34 (2005)
Kovács AF, Landes CA, Hamscho N, Döbert N, Menzel C: Pattern of drainage in sentinel lymph nodes after intra-arterial chemotherapy for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 63, 185-190 (2005)
Kovács AF: Positron emission tomography and sentinel node biopsy as complementary staging methods in oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients. The American Journal of Oncology Review 4, 159-167 (2005)
Kovács AF, Landes CA, Hamscho N, Risse JH, Berner U, Menzel C: Sentinel node biopsy as staging tool in a multimodality treatment approach to cancer of the oral cavity and the oropharynx. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 132, 570-576 (2005)
Kovács AF: In Reply to “Do PET and SNB
reduce the rate of elective neck dissection? A hypothesis still in need of
validation” by Benjamin D. Smith, MD, Brian Lally, MD, Bruce G. Haffty, MD,
and Lynn D. Wilson, MD, MPH.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 23, 2875-2876
Kovács AF: Quimioembolización del cancer oral: análisis de 100 pacientes consecutivos. Salud(i)Ciencia 13, 5-10 (2005)
Kovács AF: Erwiderung auf „Sentinel-Lymphonodektomie als Staging-Verfahren“ von J. A. Werner. HNO 53, 512-514 (2005)
Kovács AF, Walendzik H, Döbert N, Menzel C: Sentinel-Lymphonodektomie als Stagingmethode bei Mundhöhlen- und Oropharynxkarzinomen. Analyse von 70 Patienten. HNO 53, 531-538 (2005)
Kovács AF: Chemoembolization using cisplatin crystals as neoadjuvant treatment of oral cancer. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 20, 267-279 (2005)
Kovács AF: In Reply to “Positron emission
tomography paradigm fuzzier than reported” by Surjeet Pohar, MD.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 23, 4804-4805
Rohde S, Kovács AF, Turowski B, Yan B,
Zanella FE, Berkefeld J: Intra-arterial high-dose chemotherapy with cisplatin
as part of a palliative treatment concept in oral cancer.
American Journal of Neuroradiology 26, 1804-1809
Rohde S, Kovács AF, Zanella FE, Berkefeld J, Turowski B: Lokale Chemotherapie oraler und oropharyngealer Plattenepithelkarzinome. Der Radiologe 45, 843-850 (2005)
León X, Hitt R, Constenla M, Rocca A, Stupp R, Kovács AF, Amellal N, Bessa EH, Bourhis J: A retrospective analysis of the outcome of patients with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck refractory to a platinum-based chemotherapy. Clinical Oncology 17, 418-424 (2005)
Döbert N, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Hamscho N,
Yuen Yuen H, Engels K, Walendzik H, Grünwald F: The prognostic value of
FDG-PET in head and neck cancer. Correlation with histopathology.
Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49,
253-257 (2005)
Kovács AF: Maximized combined modality treatment of an unselected population of oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients. Final results of a pilot study compared with a treatment-dependent prognosis index. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 34, 74-84 (2006)
Landes CA, Kovács AF: Aspectos de la sífilis oral. Qintessence (ed. esp.) 19, 111-115 (2006)
Kovács AF, Eberlein K, Smolarz A, Weidauer S, Rohde S: Organerhaltende Therapie bei inoperablen Patienten mit primären Mundhöhlen- und Oropharynxkarzinomen. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 10, 168-177 (2006)
Rohde S, Kovács AF, Berkefeld J, Turowski B: Reliability of CT-based tumor volumetry after intraarterial chemotherapy in patients with small carcinoma of the oral cavity and the oropharynx. Neuroradiology, 48, 415-421 (2006)
Kovács AF: Response to intraarterial
induction chemotherapy: a prognostic parameter in oral and oropharyngeal
Head & Neck 28, 678-688 (2006)
Landes CA, Kovács AF: Comparison of early telescope-loading of nonsubmerged ITI-Implants in irradiated and nonirradiated oral cancer patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research 17, 367-374 (2006)
Rohde S, Turowski B, Berkefeld J, Kovács AF: Klinische und histopathologische Ergebnisse nach lokaler Chemoembolisation oraler und oropharyngealer Karzinome – Vergleich mit intraarterieller Chemoperfusion. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 178, 979-986 (2006)
Kovács AF, Döbert N, Walendzik H, Zaplatnikov K, Landes CA: The diagnostic role of radioactivity in sentinel nodes in oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 21, 535-543 (2006)
Spieth K, Kovács AF, Kaufmann R, Gille J: Topical imiquimod: efficacy in intraepithelial melanoma of the oral mucosa. Lancet (Oncology) 7, 1036-1037 (2006)
Döbert N, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Engels K, Kranert TW, Grünwald F: FDG uptake after intraarterial chemotherapy in head and neck cancer. Nuklearmedizin 45, 243-247 (2006)
Rohde S, Turowski B, Berkefeld J, Kovács AF: CT-based evaluation of tumor volume after intra-arterial chemotherapy of locally advanced carcinoma of the oral cavity: comparison with clinical remission rates. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 30, 85-91 (2007)
Knauer SK, Krämer OH, Knösel T, Engels K,
Rödel F, Kovács AF, Dietmaier W, Klein-Hitpass L, Habtemichael N, Schweitzer
A, Brieger J, Rödel C, Mann W, Petersen I, Heinzel T, Stauber RH: Nuclear
export is essential for the tumor-promoting activity of survivin.
The FASEB Journal 21, 207-216 (2007)
Kovács AF: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: sentinel node or selective neck dissection. Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America 16, 81-100 (2007) Review (eingeladener Autor)
Ballon A, Landes CA, Sader R, Kovács AF: Interdisciplinary rehabilitation of a patient with "Opitz C-syndrome" and extensive craniofacial malformation. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 18, 287-294 (2007)
Engels K, Knauer SK, Metzler D, Simf C, Struschka O, Bier C, Mann W, Kovács AF, Stauber RH: Dynamic intracellular survivin in oral squamous cell carcinoma: underlying molecular mechanism and potential as an early prognostic marker. Journal of Pathology 211, 532-540 (2007)
Knauer SK, Bier C, Schlag P, Fritzmann J, Dietmaier W, Rödel F, Klein-Hitpass L, Kovács AF, Döring C, Hansmann ML, Hofmann WK, Kunkel M, Brochhausen C, Engels K, Lippert BM, Mann W, Stauber RH: The survivin isoform survivin-3B is cytoprotective and can function as a chromosomal passenger complex protein. Cell Cycle 6, 1502-1509 (2007)
Kovács AF, Megahed W, Scholz M, Sader R: Überlebensverbesserung eines unizentrischen Gesamtkollektivs aus 20 Jahren. 1038 Patienten mit oralen und oropharyngealen Plattenepithelkarzinomen 1983 – 2004. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 11, 267-283 (2007)
Alkureishi LWT, Ross GL, Shoaib T, Camilleri I, Soutar DS, Robertson AG, Sorensen JA, Thomsen J, Krogdahl A, Alvares J, Barbier L, Santamaria J, Poli T, Sesenna E, Kovács AF, Grünwald F, Barzan L, Sulfaro S, Alberti F: Does tumour depth affect nodal upstaging in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck? The Laryngoscope 118, 629-634 (2008)
Landes CA, Day K, Glasl B, Ludwig B, Sader R, Kovács AF: Prospective evaluation of closed treatment of nondisplaced and nondislocated mandibular condyle fractures versus open reposition and rigid fixation of displaced and dislocated fractures in children. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 66, 1184-1193 (2008)
Smolarz-Wojnowska A, Sader R, Kovács AF, Klein CM: Intraorbitale Tumore des peripheren Nervensystems. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 225, 685-690 (2008)
Kovács AF, Sauer SN, Stefenelli U, Klein C: Growth of the orbit after frontoorbital advancement using nonrigid suture vs rigid plate fixation technique. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 43, 2075-2081 (2008)
Kovács AF, Turowski B, Stefenelli U, Metzler D: Primary Tumor Volume as Predicitive Parameter for Remission after Intraarterial High-dose Cisplatin in Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer: a Mathematical Model Analysis. Chirurgia Czaszkowo-Szczenkowo-Twarzowa I Ortopedia Szczenkowa / Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics 3, 174-186 (2009[2008])
Kovács AF, Stefenelli U, Seitz O,
Middendorp M, Diener J, Sader R, Grünwald F: Positive sentinel lymph nodes are
a negative prognostic factor for survival in T1-2 oral/oropharyngeal cancer –
a long-term study on 103 patients.
Annals of
Surgical Oncology 16, 233-239 (2009)
Fetz V, Bier C, Habtemichael N, Schuon R, Schweitzer A, Kunkel M, Engels K, Kovács AF, Schneider S, Mann W, Stauber RH, Knauer SK: Inducible NO synthase confers chemoresistance in head and neck cancer by modulating survivin. International Journal of Cancer 124, 2033-2041 (2009)
Landes CA, Seitz O, Ballon A, Stübinger S, Sader R, Kovács AF: Six years clinical experience with the dorsally pedicled buccal musculomucosal flap. Annals of Plastic Surgery 62, 645-652 (2009)
Kovács AF, Eberlein K, Hülsmann T: Organ preservation treatment using TPF - a pilot study in patients with advanced primary and recurrent cancer of the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 13, 87-93 (2009)
Kovács AF: Isthmus retraction hook for open tracheostomy. Technical note. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 38, 1112-1113 (2009)
Wallowy P, Diener J, Grünwald F, Kovács AF: 18F-FDG PET for detecting metastases and second primary malignancies in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Nuklearmedizin 48, 192-199 (2009)
Alkureishi LW, Burak Z, Alvarez JA,
Ballinger J, Bilde A, Britten AJ, Calabrese L, Chiesa C, Chiti A, de Bree R,
Gray HW, Hunter K, Kovacs AF, Lassmann M, Leemans CR, Mamelle G, McGurk M,
Mortensen J, Poli T, Shoaib T, Sloan P, Sorensen JA, Stoeckli SJ, Thomsen JB,
Trifiro G, Werner J, Ross GL; The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Oncology Committee and European Sentinel Node Biopsy Trial (SENT) Committee:
Joint practice guidelines for radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel
node localization in oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 36, 1915-1936 (2009)
Alkureishi LW, Burak Z, Alvarez JA,
Ballinger J, Bilde A, Britten AJ, Calabrese L, Chiesa C, Chiti A, de Bree R,
Gray HW, Hunter K, Kovacs AF, Lassmann M, Leemans CR, Mamelle G, McGurk M,
Mortensen J, Poli T, Shoaib T, Sloan P, Sorensen JA, Stoeckli SJ, Thomsen JB,
Trifiro G, Werner J, Ross GL; The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Oncology Committee and European Sentinel Node Biopsy Trial (SENT) Committee:
Joint practice guidelines for radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel
node localization in oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Annals of
Surgical Oncology 16, 3190-3210 (2009)
He Y, Zhang ZY, Zhu HG, Sader R, He J, Kovacs AF: Free fibula osteocutaneous flap for primary reconstruction of T3-T4 gingival carcinoma. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 21, 301-305 (2010)
Alkureishi LW, Ross GL, Shoaib T, Soutar DS,
Robertson AG, Thompson R, Hunter KD, Sorensen JA, Thomsen J, Krogdahl A,
Alvarez J, Barbier L, Santamaria J, Poli T, Sesenna E, Kovács AF, Grünwald F,
Barzan L, Sulfaro S, Alberti F: Sentinel node biopsy in head and neck squamous
cell cancer: 5-year follow-up of a European multicentre trial.
Annals of
Surgical Oncology 17, 2459-2464 (2010)
Kovács AF: Sentinel-Lymphknoten bei Mundhöhlen- und Rachen-Tumoren. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 89, 758-769 (2010)
Kovács AF, Döbert N, Engels K: The effect
of intraarterial high-dose cisplatin on lymph nodes in oral and oropharyngeal
Journal of Cancer 49, 230-235 (2012)
Ghanaati S, Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Stübinger S, Seitz O, Landes C, Kovács AF, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader RA: Synthetic bone substitute material comparable with xenogeneic material for bone tissue regeneration in oral cancer patients: First and preliminary histological, histomorphometrical and clinical results. Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 3, 126-138 (2013)
Kovács AF, Wallowy P, Stefenelli U, Landau S: Peri-implant changes in different transplanted soft tissues around loaded endosseous implants in patients after oral tumor surgery. Implant Dentistry 22, 650-655 (2013)
Zaplatnikov K, Walendzik H, Diehl M, Döbert N, Hamscho N, Grünwald F, Sukhov V, Kovács AF: Opyt limfadenočktomii storoževyx limfaticeskix uzlov, obnaružennyx metodami radioizotopnoj diagnostiki pri zlokacestvennyx novoobrazovanijax rotoglotki / Experience of sentinel lymphadenectomy guided by nuclear imaging in patients with oropharyngeal malignancies. Lucevaja diagnostika i terapija / Diagnostic Radiology and Radiotherapy 5, 70-76 (2014)
Kovács AF,
Stefenelli U, Thorn G: Long-term quality of life after intensified
multi-modality treatment of oral cancer including intra-arterial induction
chemotherapy and adjuvant chemoradiation.
Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 5, 26-31
Ghanaati S, Kovács AF, Barbeck M, Lorenz J, Teiler A, Sadeghi N, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader R: Bilayered, non cross-linked collagen matrix for regeneration of facial defects after skin cancer removal: a new perspective for biomaterial-based tissue reconstruction. Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling 10, 3-15 (2016)
Lorenz J, Eichler
K, Barbeck M, Lerner H, Stübinger S, Seipel C, Vogl TJ, Kovács AF, Ghanaati S,
Sader RA: Volumetric analysis of bone substitute material performance within
the human sinus cavity of former head and neck cancer patients patients: A
prospective, randomized clinical trial.
Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 6, 175-181
Publizierte Referate und Abstracts
Klein C, Kovács A: Der mikrochirurgisch reanastomosierte Venenlappen vom Unterarm zur Sofortrekonstruktion bei intraoralen Resektionsdefekten. In: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (ed.): Abstracts Microsurgery ´95. IV. International Symposium on Microsurgery in Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery. 44 (1995)
Klein C, Kovács A: Covering Defects of the Oral Cavity using Microsurgical Reanastomized Arterialized Venous Flaps. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 24, Supplement 1, 63 (1996)
Klein C, Papageorge M, Kovács A, Carchidi JE: Erste Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Distraktions-Implantatsystem zur Kieferkammaugmentation. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (ed.): Abstracts 48. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie. 30 (1998)
Kovács A, Klein C: The effect of different soft tissues on bone resorption around loaded endosseous implants in patients after oral tumor surgery. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 26, Supplement 1, 97 (1998)
Papageorge M, Klein C, Kovács A, Carchidi JE: First experiences using a new distraction implant system for alveolar ridge augmentation. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 26, Supplement 1, 140 (1998)
Schiemann MS, Jacob-Heutmann D, Fraunholz I, Kovács A, Turowski B, Adamietz IA, Bitter K, Böttcher HD: Multimodality therapy for oropharyngeal carcinoma. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 175, Sondernummer 1, 100 (1999)
Kovács AF, Schiemann M, Turowski B: Introduction of a new complex 4-modality treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Oral Oncology 37, Supplement 1, 33 (2001)
Kovács AF, Turowski B: A new method of intraarterial chemoembolization of oral and oropharyngeal cancer with a high-dose cisplatin crystal suspension and degradable starch microspheres. Oral Oncology 37, Supplement 1, 69 (2001)
Kovács AF, Risse JH, Berner U: Sentinel lymph node dissection as management method for the N0 neck in oral cancer. Oral Oncology 37, Supplement 1, 88 (2001)
Risse JH, Kovács AF, Acker P, Diehl M, Menzel C, Berner U, Grünwald F: 18-FDG-PET und Sentinel Lymph Node Szintigraphie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Nuklearmedizin 40, 38 (2001)
Risse JH, Kovács AF, Berner U, Kranert WT, Acker P, Grünwald F: Match von Sentinel Lymph Node Szintigraphie und CT bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Nuklearmedizin 40, 64 (2001)
Turowski B, Kovács A, Zanella F: Local intraarterial Chemotherapy in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity. In: American Society of Neuroradiology (ed.): Proceedings 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology. 35 (2001)
Risse JH, Kovács AF, Acker P, Diehl M, Menzel C, Berner U, Kranert WT, Bitter K, Grünwald F: 18-FDG-PET and sentinel lymph node scintigraphy in head and neck cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 42, May Supplement, 291 (2001)
Kovács AF, Risse
JH, Berner U: Sentinel-Lymphknotenexstirpation als Behandlung des
N0-Halses beim Mundhöhlenkarzinom. Abstract 51. Kongreß der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie. Marburg, 14.-16.6.2001.
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Piorko D, Waibel H, Kovács AF, Friedrich K: Myasthenia gravis: Balancierte Anästhesie mit Sevofluran und Remifentanil. In: Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin 42, Abstractband Deutscher Anästhesiekongress 2001, 485 (2001)
Kovács AF, Risse JH, Berner U: Sentinel-Lymphknotenexstirpation als Behandlung des N0-Halses beim Mundhöhlenkarzinom. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (ed.): Abstracts 51. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie. 51 (2001)
Kovács AF, Mose S, Turowski B, Böttcher HD, Bitter K: Combined modality treatment of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the oral cavity and the oropharynx including neoadjuvant intraarterial cisplatin and radical surgery followed by concurrent radiation and chemotherapy with weekly docetaxel. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 128, Supplement, 90 (2002)
Berner U, Kovács AF, Acker P, Risse JH, Diehl M, Menzel C, Grünwald F: SLN-Diagnostik bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen von Mundhöhle und Oropharynx nach N0-Staging mit F-18-FDG-PET. In: Brink I., Högerle S., Moser E. (Hrsg.): Nuklearmedizin als Paradigma molekularer Bildgebung. Abstractband der 40. Jahrestagung der DGN in Freiburg. Blackwell, Berlin, 45 (2002)
Berner U, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Bitter K, Grünwald F: Head and neck cancer: sentinel node scintigraphy following N0-staging with F-18-FDG-PET. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 29, Supplement 1, 270 (2002)
Kovács AF, Risse JH, Berner U, Grünwald F: 18-FDG-PET oder CT als Voraussetzung zur Sentinel-lymph-node- Szintigraphie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin. Nuklearmedizin 42 (2), A47 (2003)
Risse JH, Kovács AF, Berner U, Menzel C, Grünwald F: SLN - Lymphoszintigraphie an 115 SLN nach N0-Staging mit 18-FDG-PET bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin. Nuklearmedizin 42 (2), A47 (2003)
Döbert N, Diehl M, Hamscho N, Menzel C, Zaplatnikov K, Neuss L, Kovács AF, Wördehoff N, Grünwald F: Incidental abdominal fluorodeoxyglucose uptake: value of delayed FDG-PET imaging. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 30, Supplement 2, 276 (2003)
Kovács A, Walendzik H, Hamscho N, Döbert N, Menzel C: Lymphoscintigraphy guided sentinel node biopsy as staging tool in a multi-modality treatment regimen of oral and oropharyngeal cancer. In: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Zurich (ed.): Abstracts 2nd International Conference on Sentinel Node Biopsy in Mucosal Head and Neck Cancer. 24 (2003)
Döbert N, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Hamscho N, Zaplatnikov K, Diener J, Yuen HY, Walendzik H, Grünwald F: The Prognostic Impact of FDG-PET and the Diagnostic Value in N Staging of Head and Neck Cancer: Correlation with Histopathology. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 45 (6), 470 (2004)
Kovács AF, Walendzik H, Döbert N, Menzel C: Sentinel node biopsy as staging method in head and neck cancer – analysis of 70 patients. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 32, Supplement 1, 227 (2004)
Tegeder I, Bräutigam L, Seegel M, Al-Dam A, Turowski B, Geisslinger G, Kovács AF: Cisplatin tumor concentrations after intra-arterial cisplatin infusion or embolization in patients with oral cancer. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 32, Supplement 1, 228 (2004)
Döbert N, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Hamscho N, Walendzik H, Zaplatnikov K, Grünwald F: FDG-PET in patients with Head and Neck Cancer, diagnostic value in N staging and prognostic impact. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 31, Supplement 2, 325 (2004)
Rohde S, Turowski B, Kovács AF, Berkefeld J: Intraarterielle Chemoperfusion mit hochdosiertem Cisplatin in der palliativen Behandlung fortgeschrittener oropharyngealer Plattenepithelkarzinome. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 177, Supplement 1, 195 (2005)
Kovács AF, Mose S: Postoperative radiation and concurrent chemotherapy (RCT) with weekly docetaxel is feasible and effective in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer - long-term results. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23 (16Supplement), 511 (2005)
Kovács AF, Walendzik H, Döbert N, Hamscho N, Zaplatnikov K, Menzel C: Tracer accumulation of sentinel nodes in oral and oropharyngeal cancer – does it help in minimizing the procedure? International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 34 (Supplement 1), 16 (2005)
Landes CA, Sader R, Kovács AF: Comparison of early telescope-loading of nonsubmerged ITI-implants in irradiated and nonirradiated oral cancer patients. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 34 (Supplement 1), 18 (2005)
Rohde S, Turowski B, Berkefeld J, Kovács AF: CT-basierte Evaluation des Tumorvolumens nach intra-arterieller Chemotherapie bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Mundhöhle und des Oropharynx: Vergleich mit klinischen Remissionraten. Klinische Neuroradiologie 15, 215 (2005)
Kovács AF: Vergleich des lateralen Oberarmlappens und Radialislappens in der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie. Journal der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie 17, 57 (2005)
Landes C, Kovács A, Sader R: Früh belastete teleskopierte ITI-Implantate im bestrahlten und nicht bestrahlten Knochen. Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 60 (Supplement), 60 (2005)
Krüger S, Franz K, Kovács A, Hölzer D, Rummel MJ: Case report: Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec) induces a durable partial response in a patient with esthesioneuroblastoma. Onkologie 28 (Supplement 3), 57 (2005)
Kovács AF, Rohde S, Sader R: Die anterograde intraarterielle Hochdosischemotherapie bei Patienten mit oralen und oropharyngealen Karzinomen – Erfahrungen und Möglichkeiten. In: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (ed.): Abstracts 20. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie. 16-17 (2005)
Menzel C, Döbert N, Diehl M, Hamscho N, Kovács A, Grünwald F: 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer: does it influence the prognosis? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 32 (Supplement 1), 143 (2005)
Döbert N, Kovács AF, Menzel C, Engels K, Diener J, Grünwald F: Einfluss der intraarteriellen Chemotherapie auf den Glukosestoffwechsel von zervikalen Lymphknoten bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Nuklearmedizin 45 (2), 79 (2006)
Kovács AF, Döbert N, Sader R: Does local chemotherapy for oral cancer have an impact on neck lymph nodes? Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 34 (Supplement 1), 105 (2006)
Landes CA, Day K, Sader R, Kovács AF. Prospektive Studie konservativer Behandlung nicht verschobener, nicht- dislozierter Frakturen versus offener Reposition und Fixierung verschobener und dislozierter Frakturen des Collum- und Condylus mandibulae bei Kindern. In: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (ed.): Abstractband Erste gemeinsame Tagung der SGKG/ÖGMKG. 107 (2007)
Stauber R, Engels K, Knauer SK, Metzler D, Mann W, Kovács AF: Distribution of nuclear and cytoplasmic survivin is a predictive marker of survival and sensitivity to chemo and radiation-induced apoptosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology 82 (Supplement 1), 23 (2007)
Kovács AF, Seitz O, Diener J, Grünwald F, Sader R: Sentinel node biopsy in oral and oropharyngeal cancer without obligatory neck dissection – experience in 120 patients. Oral Oncology Supplement 2, 78 (2007)
Alkureishi L, Ross G, Shoaib T, Thompson R, Camilleri I, Soutar D, Robertson AG, Sorensen J, Thomsen J, Grupe P, Alvares J, Barbier L, Santamaria J, Poli T, Massarelli O, Sesenna E, Kovács A, Grünwald F, Barzan L, Sulfaro S, Alberti F: Sentinel node biopsy as a staging tool in early head and neck squamous cell cancer – long term follow-up of a multicentre trial. Oral Oncology Supplement 2, 80 (2007)
Alkureishi L, Ross G, Shoaib T, Thompson R, Camilleri I, Soutar D, Robertson AG, Sorensen J, Thomsen J, Grupe P, Alvares J, Barbier L, Santamaria J, Poli T, Massarelli O, Sesenna E, Kovács A, Grünwald F, Barzan L, Sulfaro S, Alberti F: The effect of tumour thickness on nodal upstaging by sentinel node biopsy in head and neck squamous cell cancer. Oral Oncology Supplement 2, 80 (2007)
Kovács AF, Turowski B, Metzler D, Sader R: Tumor volume is a prognostic parameter for remission in oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Oral Oncology Supplement 2, 103 (2007)
Kovács AF, Seitz O, Zenkner D, Diener J, Grünwald F, Sader R: Sentinel node biopsy in cutaneous malignancies of the head and neck – experience in 32 patients and comparison with mucosal cancer. Oral Oncology Supplement 2, 213 (2007)
Landes C, Seitz O, Ballon A, Stübinger S, Sader R, Wagner M, Kovacs A: Sieben Jahre Erfahrung mit dem dorsal gestielten bukkalen mukomuskulösen Wangenlappen. In: ÖGMKG (ed.) Abstractband 13. Jahreskongress der ÖGMKG. (2009)
Kovács AF, Hülsmann T: Organ preservation treatment using TPF – a pilot study on patients with advanced primary and recurrent cancers of oral cavity and maxillary sinus. Oral Oncology Supplement 3, 193 (2009)
Kovács AF, Zenkner D, Grünwald F: Sentinel lymph node biopsy in cutaneous malignomas of the head and neck. In: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen (ed.): Programme. 4th International Conference on Sentinel Node Biopsy and Radioguided Head & Neck Surgery. 7 (2010)
Kovács AF: Indukciós kemoterápia szájüreg- és garatcarcinomáknál - mi a lehetséges és mi nem lesz megtéve. In: MAÁSZT (ed.): Program book. 8th International Danubius Congress and 15th Congress of the Hungarian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. 73 (2011)